Sherwood Hideaway offers idyllic break from city life with complete relaxation in country

Sherwood HideawaySherwood Hideaway
Sherwood Hideaway
There is something incredibly satisfying about discovering amazing new corners of the world .... not far from home.That is exactly how we felt when we arrived at Sherwood Hideaway.

It is little more than 30 minutes’ drive, depending which side of Sheffield you live, and it doesn’t look particular secluded or spectacular when you arrive.

However, that changes as soon as you step into the lodge.

Everything is absolutely top spec. It looks and feels amazing. All the little details have been taken care of from the cushions on the sofa to wonderfully comfortable bedrooms.

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The kitchen was also top of the range and fully equipped with everything you could want or desire. There were plenty of unexpected additions which don’t come with your usual self-catering places.

The top-of-the-range coffee machine was one of these but there were many others which just added to the experience. Of course, the bottle of Champagne and small box of locally made chocolates which greet guests as they arrive must also get a mention.

The hot tub was the most popular attraction for the weekend. Indeed, my youngest son was in there before breakfast, after dinner and as often as he possibly could be.

He did take time out of the water to get up close and personal with birds of prey. We spent a day with these awesome creatures and were completely smitten by the end of it.

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I wasn’t sure how much the children or I would enjoy it, to be frank, but we were taken by surprise.

There is something incredibly special about being able to look a bird of prey in the eye, to be able to watch its magnificent flights at close range. That even goes for the enormous owls with smelly breath – what an amazing thing to discover first hand.

We walked through the woods during the morning and were each able to have it land on our wrist, obviously covered by a protective glove.

We fed them and watched them soar through the trees and were amazed by the relationship between the birds and their trainer. In the afternoon we spent more time with the hawks, falcons and owls. We learnt more about them than you can imagine, and found ourselves completely swept away.

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By the end of it all we were completely besotted, although none of us could agree on which was our favourite bird.

There are lots of things to see around Sherwood Hideaway, not least Robin Hood’s stomping ground and all the attractions which have been created around that. But if I am going to be completely honest I have to tell you that we never left the site.

We spent three nights and two days with our feet up, just enjoying family time and each other’s company. The children enjoyed having the space to play without any worries about safety and it really felt as if we were a million miles from home.

Peace isn’t always easy to find in this hectic world but all of us found a new level of calm in these tranquil, yet sumptuous, surroundings.

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We were hardly aware of the people in neighbouring lodges, although they aren’t too far away. Instead we had a great time laughing and smiling our way through a long weekend.

If you fancy completely forgetting about the world and indulging yourself surrounded by friends, Sherwood Hideaway comes fully recommended. It isn’t cheap but worth splashing out for a special occasion.

It might not be obvious, but I’m told it is also particular good when the nights get cold. Sipping a drink in the hot tub as the sun goes down over the trees does sound impressive. Each lodge also has under-floor heating, plenty of soft blankets to snuggle up under and real fires.

A formula to take a very English attraction through all seasons sounds like a winner to me. It all just depends on whether you fancy prosecco or a hot toddy.

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To book and for latest offers visit The Sherwood Hideaway or call 01623 824594.


Short breaks at The Sherwood Hideaway start from £548 based on up to four people staying in a Traditional Pet Friendly lodge for four nights from June 18. The next Falconry Experiences take place on October 6 and November 7 and cost £95 per person.

Wildlife photography breaks and hawk walks are also available.

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