Village celebrates the Georgian era

Georgian Ball at Cromford.Georgian Ball at Cromford.
Georgian Ball at Cromford.
Visitors to Cromford this weekend could be forgiven for thinking that they've entered a time capsule.

All things Georgian will be celebrated, starting with an evening of opera at St Mary’s Church on Friday, September 1, featuring soprano Alexandra Kennedy and countertenor Oliver Gerrish.
There’s a Georgian ball on Saturday at Cromford Mills with period music and dancing.

The revelry winds up with a recreation of Richard Arkwright’s Candlelighting Festival which was a celebration for his workers. People wishing to take part in this festival should meeet on Sunday at 6pm outside the Greyhound in the Market Place for a parade to Cromford Mills where soup and punch, music and dancing will be in store. Pick up a free voucher for refreshments from the mill shop before September 1.

Details: or tel. 01629 823256.